New Service Available! Book a video meeting with us!

We see a need and have developed these video meetings to help fill it! Click the "Talk to an Expert" tab in our menu to book.
Thinking of getting a Bearded Dragon but have questions? Already own one and wonder if you are doing everything right to give your dragon his/her best life? Wondering why your dragon is acting strange? Book a 30 minute video call session with Carissa, owner of Kelowna Bearded Dragons and pick her brain! This short 30 minute session is all about you asking any questions you have about Bearded Dragons.
Through breeding Bearded Dragons for over 15 years one recurring theme keeps coming to my attention; people have questions, begin searching on google to find answers, and end up being more confused as they read. That is why I have designed these video call appointments, for those who just want to talk to an expert and gain some clarity. Time and time again I have had beardie owners in the past call me with questions, saying they have a Bearded Dragon and have already spent hundreds of $$ taking their dragon to the vet, only for the issue to not be resolved. In those cases, within a simple short phone conversation, I have been able to help most people troubleshoot and discover what the issue is.
If you already own a dragon, in this video call you can show me your Bearded Dragon, his/her enclosure and set up, and discuss and concerns or questions you have.
If you prefer to do a phone call rather than video call this can be arranged as well.
**Please note this meeting does not replace the advice of a licensed Veterinarian. Kelowna Bearded Dragons can NOT perform services a veterinarian can, nor can KBD prescribe or supply medications.**